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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

The hepatitis C study America never heard about - The Berkson Clinical Study

 Such was not the case with the Berkson Clinical Study in the U.S., despite Dr. Berkson's credentials. Instead, the U.S. study ended up being published in the German medical journal Medizinishche Klinik.

A sample of Dr. Berkson's credentials: Assist. Professor, Rutgers University Assoc. Professor, Chicago State University Visiting Professor, Max Planck Institute Consultant Mushroom Poisoning, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Toxicology Consultant, New Mexico Poison Control Center Principal Investigator, FDA, IV Thiocatic Acid (Alpha-Lipoic Acid) Member, New Mexico Medical/Legal Panel Attending Physician, White Sands Missile Range Member, El Paso Fund Alternative Medicine Committee President of the Integrative Medical Center of New Mexico Why the study wasn't published in the U.S.The last two items in the credentials may give a hint of why Berkson's study was never published in America. The real publication killer; however, was likely the fact that the study used a non-patentable, inexpensive therapy of common dietary supplements and healthy dietary and lifestyle changes which had an estimated cost of less than $2,000 per year. Such a low cost would be quite a threat to the profits mainstream medicine rakes in on hepatitis C.