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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Carbon nanotubes will transform our materials

•, Aalto University
To open the conference with her keynote speech was a pioneer in the field, MIT Professor Mildred D. Dresselhaus. She has performed the very first experiments on the electrical properties of carbon nanomaterials in the 1960s and has been at the forefront of the research ever since.
– Carbon nanotubes are an amazing phenomenon, and their research took off in a great flurry in the early 1990s. Although there has been a rise in applied research recently, we are discovering new phenomena also on the fundamental level all the time, describes Dresselhaus.
Carbon nanotubes are rolls of graphene, which isa single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice. They are about to reform electronic components and devices as much as energy technology.
