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Student Invents Clever Online Market for Eating Locally

 You know those neighbors. The ones you see out in their backyard, picking their homegrown cherry tomatoes from their bountiful garden as you schlep off to the grocery store to buy the same exact thing…in a plastic box. What if instead of feeling guilty about the waste you’re about to add to the environment (not to mention your comparative laziness), you could just pay your neighbor for a serving of locally grown vegetables? That’s the idea behind Kayleigh Thompson’s new concept, Hyperlocal Market. Thompson is a recent design graduate from the Royal College of Art in London, but before moving to the city, she lived in a small town where locally sourced food was commonplace and interacting with the people who lived next door wouldn’t earn you the title of “that annoying neighbor.”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
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I'm sure they will make this concept a crime as well if it catches on and arrest the creator.