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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Why Disinformation Works — Paul Craig Roberts

Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction? ... A person can see this everywhere. I could write volumes illustrating how agenda-driven writers across the spectrum will support the most improbable government stories despite the absence of any evidence simply because the government’s line can be used to support their agendas.

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Comment by Patty Goldman
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I agree with your article. The biggest misinformation story is about the stock market. News stories and technical experts have nothing to do with the movement of the market on a daily basis. The market is controlled by a code in the dow index boxes that is broadcast 3-5 days ahead. Insiders are getting this code and making zillions. We do not get the colors of the numbers in the dow index boxes in color. On a trading platform they are in black. But a trading platform has many colors and we are speculating that the programmer is coloring the numbers in the boxes so they can be read going forward. We can only go back and see where the highs or lows were called out. The twitter story is a perfect example of misinformation. That play was called out April 19th. The play happened April 23rd. Numerous stories were in all the papers and the head of CME was on Fox business news discussing the made up story. This is the biggest white collar crime in our lifetimes and is going on every day.