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Free Adam Kokesh Legal Fund - Shield Mutual - George Donnelly

Free Adam Kokesh Legal Fund:

Adam Kokesh Legal Fund:
Collected  $5,377.44
Goal          $5,000.00

The Adam Kokesh Legal Fund has surpassed its initial goal of raising $5,000 for Adam’s defense and is not accepting further FRN/USD donations at this time. Congratulations!

N.A. Poe Legal Fund

N.A. Poe was arrested together with Adam, faces the same or similar charges and is in the prison with Adam. We’ve reached Adam’s initial funding goal, so please go support Poe, who still needs more money in order to hire a lawyer.

Donate to the N.A. Poe Legal Defense Fund Digital Currencies for Adam

At Adam’s specific request, Shield Mutual is now offering a Bitcoin donation option. This is the address: 143ciQqyerud8srrh2DDc45UZfAHswTihx. Click here for an easy copy of the address..

We’re also now taking Litecoin as well. The address:


This is the Official Adam Kokesh Legal Fund

This is the one and only official Adam Kokesh legal fund. Adam’s business team, his friends, other activists and his selected public relations agent Shield Mutual are operating this fund because we need funds to hire a lawyer and Adam obviously cannot access his funds while in prison.

Adam Kokesh is currently in the Philadelphia federal prison on absurd and unfounded charges of assaulting a federal officer. We urgently need to retain a lawyer to defend Adam from the government legal system.

Although the video evidence may exonerate Adam, in the meantime he will need legal assistance negotiating release conditions and possibly a plea bargain. Hiring a top lawyer will enable his defense to progress more effectively.

This is the federal court system. Justice is not relevant here. Money, lawyers an raw determination count for more.

Support Adam. But keep in mind that this has more to do with us demonstrating our willingness to support each other than it does with Adam. Today it is Adam, tomorrow it will be someone else, maybe you. Set the precedent, support Adam.

This fund is being managed by Shield Mutual and more specifically by George Donnelly. Shield Mutual was hired by Adam in August of 2012 specifically to manage his public relations defense and do what it takes to defend him from government aggression. George Donnelly is reputable activist in the liberty community. The money will reach Adam’s legal defense.

Please Donate What you Can

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