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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Propul~Surf screw-propelled snowboard rips uphill

•, By C.C. Weiss
 Snowboarders endure a lot of issues when compared to their skiing counterparts – these include twisting and contorting their ankles to fit on footrests designed for skiers, wearing useless leashes around their legs even though skis are more likely to pop off, and getting stuck on flat traverses that skiers push through with their poles.
All those issues aren't getting solved in a day, but a group of French students is working on the last one. Their solution is called the Propul~Surf and it's designed to motor knuckle-draggers over flat ground and up hills.
 the project works out, snowboarders will have their own board-specific answer to the Skizee. Judging by the video clip below, the Propul~Surf may never be as fast or fun as the Skizee, but as a school science project, it just needs to be a cool, working proof of concept. And it's definitely that.