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IPFS News Link • Battery Project

Making NanoTubes at Home!! with Ernest Hancock!! (Video - Part 1&2)

Making NanoTubes at Home!! with Ernest Hancock!!
(**Please Note ** - this video was done by Dr. Phranq Tamburri who came to the studio for an interview on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock radio show. Phranq brought his father, and Ernest gave them both a tour of his lab - Phranq filmed the tour, which you will see in the two videos below. There will be a professional video of the lab and the process Ernest has gone thru so far in the making of carbon nanotubes coming soon)... 
This tutorial is from Patriot Leader Ernest Hancock as he walks through his successful experiments in his garage(!) making nanotubes for home made high capacity batteries! (I apologize that the first one you have to watch on its side.  Oh well,.... viewer just has to lock their viewer in landscape to watch)

Part 1:

Part 2: