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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

America, land of the 'quick fix' culture

 Is your government drowning in debt? There's a quick fix for that: Print more money! Don't worry about currency debasement and the long-term blowout collapse of the U.S. dollar that will bankrupt the nation. We need another hit of that bailout money!

Is your kid too hyperactive at home and at school? Don't bother changing his diet, removing corn syrup and artificial food colors from his daily intake. No, that would take too much time. Instead, turn your kid into a pill-popping psych drug patient by having him diagnosed by a psychiatrist!

Welcome to the "quick fix" culture of America. For every problem that demands a mature, well-planned solution, there's a much more seductive quick-fix solution that completely ignores the problem but temporarily makes the symptoms go away.
