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IPFS News Link • Iran

Kerry: US Will ‘Do What We Must’ to Stop Iran

 Senator John Kerry (D – MA) vowed that the US would “do what we must” to stop Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon, adding that “the clock is ticking” for Iran to comply with US demands.
Sen. Kerry’s comments came at his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, a process seen as little more than a formality, as his brand of non-confrontational, bullet-point speech giving and willingness to tow the line on foreign policy virtually ensures his approval, which could come as soon as Tuesday.

Kerry went on to give lip-service to a “two-state solution” in Israel, calling for Syrian President Bashar Assad’s ouster, and reiterating a number of Obama Administration positions, interspersed with pauses for members of the Foreign Relations Committee, which he is the leader of, to praise him for his “leadership.”