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End to evictions in Spain? Locksmiths refuse to help oust owners amid austerity drive


­If a house's locks remain unchanged, the evicted family could return whenever they liked, forcing authorities to start another – sometimes months-long – eviction process.

"As people, we can't continue carrying out evictions when people are killing themselves," Pamplona locksmith Iker de Carlos told PRI (Public Radio International).

Many eviction cases have ended in tragedy: More than 100 Spaniards committed suicide in 2012 after being kicked out of their homes.

In November, the suicide of 53-year-old Amaia Egaña – who jumped to her death from the fourth floor of her building after she was issued an eviction notice for defaulting on her mortgage payments – triggered protests across Spain.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Terrence Aym
Entered on:

There's one glaring error in this article: the people are not "homeowners." All took loans to purchase the property and the lender owns the building as collateral until the loan has been repaid. The people living in the building morally, ethically, and legally do not own the structure, nor do they have any "right" to it, nor do they have any lien on the lender. Their need does not trump the lenders' rights. 

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