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IPFS News Link • Seriously?

California teachers create an animated video depicting the rich peeing all over the "not rich**

• The Political Commentator
"Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale" courtesy of the California Federation of Teachers (CFT)! Taking a page out of Barack Obama's playbook, the video created by the CFT paints a picture of the rich as a class of people who got to where they are through tax cuts, tax loopholes, buying politicians, skirting the law and in fact at times actually breaking the law. Then, when the "downtrodden working class" attempted to fight back through fringe causes like OWS, the rich peed all over them. THAT IN FACT THE RICH (AKA SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WHO BUSTED THEIR ASSES TO GET TO WHERE THEY ARE), ARE ACTUALLY TO BE HATED! The narrater of this video that vilifies the rich? None other than the wealthy 1 percenter and Hollywood elite actor Ed Asner...

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