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IPFS News Link • Inventions

8 Cool Raspberry Pi Projects for Diminutive Computing Fun


This doll-house-scale videogame cabinet made of laser-cut plastic, MAME emulator software and a Raspberry Pi recreates the childhood memories of millions of gamers on a 2.4-inch TFT screen. Especially impressive is that Jeroen Domburg of pulled this together from rough paper prototype to final wiring with no prior Raspberry Pi experience.

Just as the Arduino platform has enabled creators to explore the possibilities of combining bits and atoms, this sweet new computing platform has given hackers and designers a new set of tools to combine physical and virtual worlds. Raspberry Pi lets developers code in popular languages like Python, reducing the learning curve for pros and making it more accessible to designers who might have picked up a bit of experience on the web. The microprocessor on board also opens up more applications for video and other rich media applications, or in Domburg's case, the greatest hits from '80s arcades. If you want to try your hand at recreating this cute cabinet, he's made the schematics and code available.

If you want to see what else the design friendly Raspberry Pi community is cooking up, the following examples are great recipes for creative construction.