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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

Replication Revolution: Best 3D-Printed Objects in Entertainment, Science and War

•, By Joseph Flaherty
 Amazing 3-D printed creations are starting to surface at an incredible rate, demonstrating the innovation potential that the technique holds for almost every industry.

While these machines have been around for over two decades as a bona fide method of high-end design and manufacturing, they had largely gone unnoticed by the general public until the advent of compact, open source, free-software printers like the RepRap. This movement helped bring the technology to a wide group of users and allowed for small-scale commercial, educational, and domestic use.

Mass interest and adoption is now resulting in new concepts and designs in almost every segment of commerce. These following ten works represent the latest and greatest printed designs from a variety of categories, showing how 3-D printing is becoming an important element of design and innovation for products ranging from re-engineered jet engines to bionic eagle beaks to printed-plastic acoustic guitars.