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Thousands Surround Obama's White House: 'Stop Keystone XL!'

•, Common Dreams staff
 Thousands of people began a planned march around the White House on Sunday afternoon, calling on the Obama Administration to reject the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and keep tar sands crude out of the US.

The demonstration, organized by, the Sierra Club, and other public interest and environmental groups, followed a “Do the Math” climate event at Washington, DC’s historic Warner Theater earlier in the day.

"Do The Math" is a 21-city nationwide tour by—headlined by 350 co-founder Bill McKibben and author Naomi Klein—aiming to connect the dots between extreme weather, climate change, and the fossil fuel industry. Designed to galvanize the climate justice movement in the wake of the election, the tour is helping to launch a direct assault not only on politicians, but the big oil and gas companies that finance their campaigns and hold enormous political sway in Washington.

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2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

If we are so intent on running pipeline from Canada through thousands of miles of our land, why not develop our own millions of cubic feet of oil under Colorado and Utah and virtually all over the United States. What is all this BS that Government is trying to do to keep the people of America from using some of our wealth, wealth that we own, that is right under our feet?

Comment by Quartzsite Charlie
Entered on:

Wonder how many of the protesters lived within 5 miles of the proposed pipeline route?? any?

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