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IPFS News Link • European Union

Now EU Seeks to Ban the Family

•, by Staff Report
Whenever we look, we are assaulted by unbelievable legislative actions. This has got to be the most incredible idea yet: To legislate portrayals of the family out of existence.

What kinds of people come up with these ideas? What kind of people vote on them? This is not some outlier in North Korea, not some gambit in Mongolia. This initiative is being seriously proposed in the heart of the West, in the supposed cradle of civilization.

These people are not just announcing their intentions to attack the family unit, but to ban by force any mention of it. It's a little bit like trying to legislate away gravity. Human biology trends towards families. Here's more from the article:

The document, prepared by the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, also suggests EU-wide legislation is needed to tackle the way women are depicted in advertising during children's television programmes.