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IPFS News Link • Inventions

DIY Laser Cutter Raises Capital, Concerns

•, By Joseph Flaherty

These are great days for makers. Affordable 3-D printers and CNC mills are popping up everywhere, opening up new worlds of production to wide ranges of designers. However, one major tool still hasn’t received a DIY overhaul: the laser cutter. Maybe people are sensitive because Goldfinger tried to cut James Bond in half with one, but all that changes now with Patrick Hood-Daniel’s new Kickstarter, “Build Your Own Laser Cutter.

Hood-Daniel is a well-respected maker with a long track record and open source bonafides. He’s developed several complex electro-mechanical tools — CNC mills, pick and place machines, 3-D printers — and successfully shipped them to customers in the past. He literally wrote the book on DIY CNC machines. His latest project is an extension of his cottage industry, dedicated to creating tools for other cottage industries. It would be hard to find a Kickstarter creator with a better record in the DIY community.

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