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Spain Seeks To Outlaw Filming Cops

•, Paul Joseph Watson
 Following massive protests in Spain over the last couple of months as demonstrators revolt in response to draconian austerity measures imposed by the crumbling European Union, Spain has now moved to make filming police a crime.
“The director general of police, Ignacio Cosidó, announced on Thursday that the authorities are studying the possibility that the next update to the Public Security Law could include an article prohibiting the recording, processing or circulation on the internet of police officers performing their duties, if doing so would endanger them or the operation in which they were engaged,” reports El Pais.

The law would also make it illegal for protesters to cover their faces, undoubtedly an effort to make them easier to identify. Cops who disguise their identity in full riot gear and helmets would not be held to the same standard.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Laws don't have anything to do with giving you rights, or taking your rights away. Rather, laws are about giving law enforcement, politicians and Government the privilege to treat you as though you didn't have any rights.

Comment by Temper Bay
Entered on:

Spanish cockroaches are no different than American cockroaches; they don't want the light turned on them.