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IPFS News Link • Activism

Global Noise takes on austerity: 'We are not going to be silent'


­The worldwide demonstrations on Saturday passed without incident, and Caleb Maupin from the International Action Centre explained what's driving the public to take to the streets.

RT: A year ago Occupy Wall Street spread across the world, and now it’s Global Noise. What is Global Noise all about? How is it different?

Caleb Maupin: Basically, Global Noise is saying we are not going to be silent. Because right now the banks are coming for us – they are cutting all of the programs. There is mass unemployment. There is cutting in government spending and the governments of the world are just having to pay back the banks.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

It's sad that the government school educated, economically illiterate, sheeple, still have no clue as to what the answer is...
Things such as getting rid of the Federal Reserve and repudiating  the debt just like Iceland did.

** His people WILL perish for lack of knowledge.

