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Raspberry Pi Minicomputer

 A British nonprofit has a novel idea for getting kids interested in computer programming, a computer that fits in a pocket and costs less than the latest video game, it's called Raspberry Pi which is looks like a leftover scrap from electronics recycling day.The mission recalls other projects that have attempted to make low-cost computers available to kids, like the One Laptop per Child initiative's dream of $100 Internet-ready laptops worldwide or a $35 tablet from India..........
A games developer, David Braben recently paid the BBC a visit with a prototype computer called the Raspberry Pi and the minicomputer consists of a tiny circuit board with an ARM processor, a USB port and a HDMI connection.He was the programmer of the eighties space opera Elite, but now Braben has invented something cool on the hardware front.The name of the Raspberry Pi, named after the UK based charity the Raspberry Pi Foundation which is set to produce it.The aim of the charity is to widely distribute this super-cheap computer-on-a-stick in order to help teach the basics of programming to kids in both the developed and developing world.
