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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

3D-Printer Company Sells to Gun Companies, But Not Desktop Weaponeers

•, By Robert Beckhusen

Direct digital manufacturing company Stratasys may have pulled the lease on a 3-D printer rented out by a group of unlicensed internet gunsmiths. But they’re all for making money by printing guns. According to internal sales documents acquired by Danger Room, Stratasys is working with some of the world’s top firearms-makers today.

According to those company documents, two “representative customers” for Stratasys’s 3-D printing machines include Knight’s Armament Company — which makes gun grips and produces its own line of firearms — and Remington Arms, the country’s largest producer of shotguns and rifles. A presentation by the company’s Direct Digital Manufacturing Group dated to January 2010 also determined that the company’s main “selling focus will be to the Aerospace and Defense Markets,” and discussed building closer ties to the military and defense industry at various Defense Department, Army and Navy expos, including an “unmanned vehicle conference.”