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IPFS News Link • Media: Internet

Goodbye TV, hello smartphone: Young Americans going mobile for news


The days of catching up on the news with a morning paper or breakfast show may be slowly drifting away. According to a new survey, Internet and mobile platforms seem to be leaving traditional news outlets in the dust.

­America’s transforming news landscape has already left a sizable dent in the country’s newspapers – but the nation’s television news outlets may be under threat too, according to a news consumption poll conducted by the Pew Research Center.

Until now, TV news viewership has remained stable in the US – but the survey’s findings show that the television news industry may have a reason to worry.

While adults over 30 watch the same amount of TV news they always did, younger generations are trading the tube for smartphones and tablets. In fact, the number of 18-29 year-olds watching local news has fallen from 42 per cent in 2006 to 28 per cent today.
