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IPFS News Link • China

How the Fed Gave a Boost to Luxury Stocks

In a recent editorial, I talked about QE3 (a third round of quantitative easing implemented by the Federal Reserve) and how it was a reward largely for the upper echelons of income-earners. The middle class will benefit due to the lower carrying costs, but the rich will really be the net benefactors of this monetary policy. The A.T. Kearney Consumer Wealth and Spending Study writes, “The richest consumers have a higher percentage of discretionary spending, and dominate not only such categories as hotel stays and financial services, but also hospital and outpatient services, as well as newspapers and magazines.” Let’s not beat around the bush. The reality is that QE3 will help people who carry significant debt to lower financing costs for another three years. The low interest rates mean cheaper cash will be available for the rich to make more money and finance spending, whether this spending is on investments, housing, or other high-cost ventures. This means the rich, with their l

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