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IPFS News Link • Ron Paul Says...

Danger Signal

•, by Ron Paul
 "No one is surprised by the Fed's action today to inject even more money into the economy through additional asset purchases. The Fed's only solution for every problem is to print more money and provide more liquidity. Mr. Bernanke and Fed governors appear not to understand that our current economic malaise resulted directly because of the excessive credit the Fed already pumped into the system.

"For all of its vaunted policy tools, the Fed now finds itself repeating the same basic action over and over in an attempt to prime the economy with more debt and credit. But this latest decision to provide more quantitative easing will only prolong our economic stagnation, corrupt market signals, and encourage even more misallocation and malinvestment of resources. Rather than stimulating a real recovery by focusing on a strong dollar and market interest rates, the Fed's announcement today shows a disastrous detachment from reality on the part of our central bank. Any further quantitative easing from the Fed, in whatever form, will only make our next economic crash that much more serious."

11 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

JV and his troupe do a reasonably good job at one thing. They take the focus off the issue. First they attempt to place the focus on Ron Paul in a negative way. Then they attempt to down-play anyone who might stand up for Ron Paul. The whole while they entirely avoid the real issue.

So what is the real issue? The real issue is that we have widespread, gigantic economic problems in America, today.

Do you know who's fault it is that we have widespread economic problems in America? Of course. It's the people's fault, right?

How is it the people's fault? It's the people's fault for accepting the advice of the Fed! After all, it is the Fed that has been in control of the money for almost 100 years. It's the Fed that has been offering the different investment and loan deals to the people, while saying all along that there would be very few problems for the people, and that everything would always work out okay, generally. Meanwhile, loads of Americans have lost everything that they owned while the Fed has gotten fatter and fatter.

It's the people's fault for not following sound money practices that had been around for hundreds of years before the Fed... practices like save your money, don't borrow, build a strong family financial foundation. And the Fed doesn't even laugh at the people. They are too busy figuring out ways to rape and plunder the people even further, while carting the people's money off to their (the Fed's) bank.

Then we get someone like Ron Paul, a figure who is prominent enough that he can remind people of the ancient wisdom of not borrowing, but rather saving for a rainy day. And many of the people along with most of their leaders in Government, are accepting so many "bribes" from that the Fed, that they are unwilling to even turn and look at sound financial advice, whether it is from Ron Paul, or anybody else.

So, it is the people's own fault. However, they were certainly led like sheep to the slaughter by the Fed, who knew EXACTLY how it was destroying the lives and wealth of the people all along.

There is only one way to heal the economic health of America today. It involves shutting down the Fed, going back on the gold and silver standard, repealing the income tax, and getting the Government out of the pockets and off the backs of the little people, while limiting the size of big businesses, but only regulating it insofar as it TRULY becomes a danger to nature and natural resources.

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 Hey! Suka & Panocha! Do your probation officers know what you do here? Are you capable of doing anything besides lying, insulting, demeaning, perverting, obfuscating, slandering or maligning? I never claimed to be a banker, only that I had observed such characters. You juvenile delinquents are a waste of skin and an impediment to those of us who wish to have a rational discussion.  And I have never used any other handle on this forum other than "McElchap" or my legal name. But now, perhaps you will have also pissed off "Old Reb" and maybe he will catch you morons and give you a desperately needed 12 gauge enema. You and the rest of Vanderfool's reprobate aliases apparently are unwilling to repent. If you smirking chimps insist on flinging feces at people, you deserve punishment.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

Correction: The first sentence in my comment to Panocha should read "on second thought ..." 

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

The first sentence should read "on second thought ..."

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

 To Panot -- I thought I did, but on second, both of them posted the same unwarranted insults on JV -- both in the wordings and use of syntax you could hardly find the difference. At any rate, what I wrote down was a mental therapy both of them needed. Like JV, I was trying to help them know themselves.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

 Suka, are you sure you did not mis-sent your comment to Old Ribeye instead of McElchop?

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

To clarify, this is directed to McElchap who also posts as Olde Old Rib ...

I read your uncalled for comment on JV and it repels me as a believer of honesty and fair play.

Listen here “Olde Old Rib” as they call you, I am your Mental Nanny. Let’s give credit where credit is due. Neither I nor you can deny that JV is the CONSCIENCE of those who do not have any, like yourself.

You don’t have any credential to crow about. It appears that whatever education you claim you have, maybe you didn’t even finish grade six, the way you think, and the way you behave yourself. You do not appear to be urban-like, you are awkward and rustic. That’s my preliminary psychological assessment of yourself.

It may even shock you to know that you don’t even have this ordinary credential in education and in manners and right conduct when you pretended to be a “banker” just because you live in a neighborhood with a banker, and fooled the public that you have a credential in banking when you don’t even know what banking is all about. And recall that JV tried to help you by explaining to you what a banker is. You can read back your comments where you discredited yourself in trying to be what you are not and can never be.

McElchop-chop ... You claimed that you are a follower of Christ, but I am afraid that when you attempt to enter the Gate of Heaven by pretending to be a banker when you are not, Christ will tell you to step aside and let others pass who have their rightful credentials, not a fake one like yours. Your English is even bad to the ears of the Lord that He orders you not to open your mouth anymore to hear your protest. The Lord will just cast you back to Limbo, and worse, back to Hell where cheats with no self-respect like you rightfully belong.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

I read your uncalled for comment on JV and it repels me as a believer of honesty and fair play.

Listen here “Olde Old Rib” as they call you, I am your Mental Nanny. Let’s give credit where credit is due. Neither I nor you can deny that JV is the CONSCIENCE of those who do not have any, like yourself.

You don’t have any credential to crow about. It appears that whatever education you claim you have, maybe you didn’t even finish grade six, the way you think, and the way you behave yourself. You do not appear to be urban-like, you are awkward and rustic. That’s my preliminary psychological assessment of yourself.

It may even shock you to know that you don’t even have this ordinary credential in education and in manners and right conduct when you pretended to be a “banker” just because you live in a neighborhood with a banker, and fooled the public that you have a credential in banking when you don’t even know what banking is all about. And recall that JV tried to help you by explaining to you what a banker is. You can read back your comments where you discredited yourself in trying to be what you are not and can never be.

You claimed that you are a follower of Christ, but I am afraid that when you attempt to enter the Gate of Heaven by pretending to be a banker when you are not, Christ will tell you to step aside and let others pass who have their rightful credentials, not a fake one like yours. Your badmouth English is even bad to the ears of the Lord that He orders you not to open your mouth anymore to hear your protest. The Lord will just cast you back to Limbo, and worse, back to Hell where cheats with no self-respect like you rightfully belong.

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 Vanderfool, you are NOT MY CONSCIENCE!  I find it amazing that you insist a man is only to speak within the narrow area of expertise for which he has been awarded a doctorate. I guess you don't believe in any cross-disciplinary education, or education continuing after leaving the university. In that vein of reasoning, where is your degree in English or communications? Should we not only read articles written by those institutionally certified to write in public? I have such credentials, you do not. So, to repeat your mantra, "SHUT UP!"

Comment by George Voit
Entered on:

Hi, JV – Don’t bother yourself of those kibitzers. A lot of us are behind you as the “conscience” of this page inhabited by eggheads who speak of nothing but nonsense! It is good that with you and most of us in the Avenger group participating, this page of Freedom Forum is still worth reading. We all read those ignorant and useless comments like a toxic virus that is infecting and killing the readers’ interests on this page.

I join your jubilant “Cheers!” not just for celebrating your wisdom and awesome knowledge from the academe but also because you dare call a spade a spade for such a noble cause of waking up those still in a stupor of ignorance.

You just have to expect a “mud-dening” standing ovation!

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

THIS IS AN APPROPRIATE DANGER SIGNAL TO WARN THE PEOPLE OF THE DANGER OF VOODOO ECONOMICS … is sending this DANGEROUS SIGNAL to warn the public of Voodoo Economics from what people believe is coming from a “witch doctor in Economics”.

It is hard for some people to admit this very sad reality …including Rockwell who is taken himself. But think even harder about it…Had Ron Paul been able to show that he is a REAL economist with proper academic credential, I have no doubt that people would believe what he is saying – even assuming that what comes out from his mouth is bogus or NOT true all the time.

The problem is, the Congressman whose only “expertise” is on delivering babies – by the way, he is not a Doctor of Economics but a doctor of pregnancy specializing in delivering babies and care of women after childbirth and shouldn’t even be in politics in the first place, and worse shamelessly touted by followers as a self-proclaimed “Constitutionalist” and a self-made “Economist” -- had unfortunately fooled so many gullible cult-like believers from the “lunatic fringe” [this quote is not from me, it is from the New Hampshire newspaper].

Let me clearly state this damning really stuck in the throat of Ron Paul supporters that is hard for them to swallow: Ron Paul does NOT have any academic background in Law and Economics [they wish he has this background], and therefore NOT qualified to talk anything about the Constitution and Economics ...

The hardest thing for me to say is that when the old man is heard “lecturing” on anything from these law and economic discipline, we cannot blame people snickering at a clown that he made out of himself.

And it is here where my empathy hurts for the Congressman who is being used in politics for commercial purposes by scheming profiteering opportunists and by himself for a shortcut-fix to self-enrichment.

What I am afraid of is that now that he is retiring from politics for good, this clandestine billing of himself as the “Voice of the Future” in a nationwide rip-off campaign to raise fund of which the former campaign manager was accused of running-away with, will continue unabated. It is criminally wrong.

In this “danger signal” that radical is sending over the Web, it is hard to blame Americans if they look at this Voodoo Economics and reject it as a scam, believing that it is coming from some kind of a “witch doctor” in Economics.

Sometimes people let themselves to be fooled, but not all the time, this I assure you.

Because I dare say all these, don’t raise your sword to slay me like you would a dragon.

I am just a messenger of this reality – to wake people up for their own good, and for the good of the country.

You must look into this message – not unto me.

Cheers! This is your conscience, JV.