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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Why I Hate Preppers

•, by Allen C.
 While I'm at it I may as well apologize for generalizing. I don't like putting labels on anyone any more than I like being labeled, but it is necessary to generalize in this case so if you consider yourself in one group, but the other better describes you then I accept that in advance. If it sounds like I apologize a lot it is because I do. Survivalists being antisocial in nature, I sometimes say things that are inappropriately blunt and get criticism for doing so. You may disagree that I distinguish between the two, so let's defer to an objective third party on the differences. Popular Mechanics magazine did a fair job of explaining it:
Preppers call themselves Preppers, in part, to distinguish themselves from survivalists, a term that conjures up images of a paranoid loner hiding out in a cabin. The Preppers focus on reaching out to other people, and they are avid social networkers. They share tips on things like canning, Port-a-Potties, and other useful skills to have for natural disasters. And they say the effort does not stem from fear. "It's encouraging, uplifting," insists Janet Liebsch, a dedicated prepper, who, along with her husband, publishes guides like It's a Disaster. "Once you start learning, you get addicted."

If you are a survivalist you may have already asked yourself why in the world anyone would want a Port-a-Potty. You may also be thinking “I wouldn't be so paranoid if everyone wasn't out to get me.” I know I am. I'm that paranoid loner hanging out in the woods. At least I was before I got married in my forties and started a family.