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IPFS News Link • Currencies

The State of Freedom

•, by tzo
Unknown to most Americans, there is a 51st state tucked away amid the Rocky Mountains. It is smallish but there nonetheless, if only in my imagination. Since its admission to the Union 50 years ago, the inhabitants of this State—which is named Freedom—have lived by excepting a rule by which the rest of us abide:
They do not use United States legal tender currency and coin like the rest of us, instead they use gold as money. They call their money gold dollars, and designate them so: G$.
How very quaint. Monetary-Amish folk. Financial Luddites.
Amazingly, wages and prices have not risen in Freedom during the past 50 years. People still grind out a week of work today as they did half a century ago, still for about G$100. Of course, a loaf of bread costs G$.19 and a brand new car can be purchased for G$2,000.