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IPFS News Link • Activism

Peaceful Protest Over Tar Sands Takes a Violent Turn in Burlington, Vt.

•, Common Dreams staff
 A Sunday tar sands protest in Burlington, Vermont turned violent when riot police shot protesters with pepper spray and rubber bullets.
Hundreds of activists demonstrating against a proposed tar sands oil pipeline that would extend across northern New England gathered at the Burlington Hilton where the 36th annual conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers was being held.

Protesters created a "human oil spill" over the possibility that tar sands oil from western Canada might be shipped across Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

"It's clear the governors and premiers are meeting to talk about trade policy, energy and infrastructure," said Avery Pittman, spokeswoman for the protest groups. "They're definitely prioritizing profits and money-making over the needs of the people or the impact these proposals will have on us."

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

These people should have been arrested for blocking a public street. The first does not allow this IMHO. BUT the PIGS were way out of line using lethal force (rubber bullets have killed) against a peaceful people......

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Couldn't you at least find this story on a site other than a liberal puke site where no one with a brain is allowed to post? This is insulting....