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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

The Many Health Benefits of Raw Honey

•, By Jordan & Kyla Miller

Some people refer to it as “liquid gold”, but most of us understand it as honey. The substance we are specifically referring to is raw honey - honey in its purest form; honey that has not been filtered, strained or heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

Many of the commercial varieties we find lined in our conventional grocery store shelves have been so processed that many (if not all) of the beneficial enzymes, nutrients and antioxidants have been completely destroyed. Used for nearly 2500 years, this substance contains many important nutritional components for our body and mind. In order to reap the benefits of honey, we must only consume honey that is raw or unpasteurized. Honey is becoming increasingly recognized not for its amazing taste, but rather its medicinal properties.
