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Ed Vallejo Tampa Chip-In

• Ed Vallejo/Daily Paul
Greetings fellow Patriots!
(Publisher: For some reason the Chip-in Widget is not showing the contributions made, but I did get a confirmation of the contribution in an email??? I'll check on this with Ed)

Ed Vallejo here, asking for your assistance.
After five years of actively working to have an HONEST MAN - named Captain Doctor Congressman Ron Paul - fill the office of President of the United States, I have long ago utilized all my funds, and am in debt a little bit.  Nothing I couldn't NORMALLY handle, but these are NOT 'normal times' by any means!
These are the times that empty men's souls after they have been tried to their limits.
At this point, I CANNOT stop now. Not and be able to live with myself. Because of this, I am putting up this Chip-In and doing what I hate doing most in The Liberty Movement - asking for money.
TO BE CLEAR the funds given here will NOT go towards paying for my Registration, Transportation, Lodging, or Food in my 'official capacity and duties' as Alternate Delegate at the Republican National Convention in Tampa - that would be considered 'coercion' (unlike a Goldman Sachs Contribution!). I have already taken care of this at my own expense, as required by FEC rules.
All funds generated by this Chip-In will provide me with what I have planned for Tampa in August, and that is a LOT if I get enough funds. LIVE COVERAGE from the Convention Floor with an Ed's-Eye view of what is happening, with a running commentary and interviews is my first and foremost objective, with a close second of bringing the vaunted PHOENIX BANNERS that we are soo famous for to BLANKET not just Tampa or the surrounding area, but Florida as a whole!
I'm thinking in the HUNDREDS.
We will have more than enough volunteers to put them up, I'm sure.

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by 4409
Entered on:

You did it Ed....its working....good job! Wish you luck in Tampa!



Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Thanks PT - a friend of mine told me they did this with him when he opened his Ebay account.   It's just frustrating that I started this effort over a week ago and still wading through 'processes', and I don't want to promote it further until I get everything running properly.

That, plus I want to get going on making the banners!


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

This is standard for many different kinds of electronic currency accounts - the two little fees, I mean. There are even some banks that do this with debit cards to be sure that you are the one who received the debit card. Mostly it is done if you get a debit card from a bank in a different country than the one your address is listed in. It is nothing.

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

UPDATE: I finally got my SS card in the mail, and my bank account is live.  I plugged the numbers into my PayPal account, and thought it would start processing the amounts given so far.

Not so fast, Ed!  PayPal now tells me that they have sent two 'deposits' of less than 1 dollar (which they withdrew immediately) and want me to put these two sums into a confirmation window to make sure this is 'my' account.  It also says "it may take 2 to 3 days for this to show up"!  One more hurdle to jump, one more flaming hoop, one more one more one more!

I'll make that widget move if it's the last thing I do. 


Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

 Please see the updates on my Chip-In page for the continuing saga of why Ed's widget doesn't move, and an accounting of all donations received to date:

I'm working on it!


Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

First, I was told that I needed a 'goal' to make the graph move.  I set the goal (way high too) but that didn't help.  At least today the goal shows.  In investigating why, I think it's because my PayPal account isn't 'verified', and the donations are there, but I can't access them until I link a bank account or credit card to it.

I have listed this, along with your and everyone's donations so far on the 'Chip-In page':

You will see your donation listed there (thank you very much, Bro!).

If you can assist PLEASE call me or let me know somehow.

This is my first Chip-In because in the past I would rather have used my own money (which I did) than ask others and be looked down upon as someone trying to make a buck off the Movement.

I know you quite well, and if I told you how many man-hours I've worked and how much I spent out of pocket these last five years, there is just one word you would reply with.


Comment by 4409
Entered on:

Are you sure that chip in is correct? Because I donated to that thing hours ago and it still shows 0?

Also you can add the widget in the story under HTML



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