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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Feel-good glass for windows

•, Walther Glaubitt
 That's no surprise, since daylight gives us energy and has a major impact on our sense of wellbeing. It is a real mood lifter. But not everyone is lucky enough to live in a generously glazed home, and office spaces where we spend many hours of each day are often not exactly bright and breezy. Modern heat-insulating, sun-protection glazing for offices and housing doesn't make things any better, since it isn't optimized to allow the light that governs our hormonal balance to pass through: instead, a distinctly noticeable percentage of incident sunlight in this effective part of the spectrum is reflected away.

Anti-reflective glass that is more transmissive overall to daylight is reserved for certain special applications, such as in glass covers for photovoltaic modules or in glazing for shop windows. The aim with this kind of glass is to avoid nuisance reflections and to achieve maximum light transmission at the peak emission wavelength of sunlight. This is the wavelength at which the human retina is also most sensitive to light. "However, our biorhythms are not affected by the wavelengths that brighten a room the most, but rather by blue light," explains graduate engineer Walther Glaubitt, a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Wrzburg.
