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IPFS News Link • How To

How to Prepare Your Home and Your Family for a Wildfire

•, By Gaye Levy

Last month the news of wildfires in Michigan, New Mexico and elsewhere sent a wake up call to those who live in fire country. Draughts, lightening, human carelessness and simply freaks of nature can cause a wildfire. As more and more homes are built away from the cities close to wooded areas, the risk of loss from a wildfire increases. There is also a risk if you travel to a wooded recreational or wilderness area and a wildfire strikes.

This is not a topic I see mentioned much in the preparedness world. Mostly what you do hear about is the devastation and the total loss of property. But what about the loss of life and personal safety? Like any other catastrophe, preparing for wildfire is something that can and should be done using the basics tenants of preparing a kit (bug out bag), creating a family communications plan, and learning how to hunker down and shelter in place.

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