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IPFS News Link • Military Industrial Complex

Rachel Maddow, Drift (Book Review)

• Skope

Ah, an amusing house wine of liberal punditry, full of cutesy language, tidbits about Ronald Reagan (did you know he was never in any real danger when he “served” in the military?), and etc.  Maddow has a doctorate in politics, which is arguably more useful than possessing the ability to change a catalytic converter in a 1987 Taurus — and yes, liberals love her, little mouse that she is, shaking her little mouse head at all the stupid she sees. 

As pretty much everyone knows, there’s no deeper, wider well of stupid than the US military.  It’s a depressingly easy target, but one positive about this book is that Maddow’s examination of the military’s descent into depraved congressional-corpatocratic behemoth doesn’t just snipe from the usual knee-jerk Huffington Post angles, it starts with the founding fathers, whom, she notes, weren’t too keen on having a gigantic idle standing military.  Might lead to trouble, you know.  Chuckle.

