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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Penny Freeman, Former Staffer in Tears Over Ron Paul Betrayals

A former Ron Paul staffer gives the back story on the campaign. (Publisher: Adam Kokesh interviews Penny Freeman and Alex Jones interviews Adam Kokesh to get the back story, Penny was the first Ron Paul representative I met back in 2/2007. We'll have Penny on the radio show 'Declare Your Independence' for "the rest of the story" soon)

Can Ron Paul Be Tamed?
No – but his campaign can
by , February 03, 2012

 Justin provided the back story for what was to come.

Research behind the elimination of Anthony Gregory and Thomas Woods from Campaign for Liberty positions of influence will reveal that their opposition to Foreign Entanglements required their elimination. The role of Jesse Benton inside the Ron Paul Campaign will reveal itself as time passes (read Justin Raimondo's article for some clarity on these issues)

