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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Television (TV)

Skipping Commercials On Your T.V. May Soon Be Illegal

•, John Bergmayer
 As anticipated in our blog post from the other day, major television networks have sued Dish over its “Hopper” DVR. Hopper records primetime TV and makes it easier to skip commercials on recorded shows.

While Dish is the primary object of the suits, ordinary viewers are also targets. Viewers already skip past commercials on recorded shows and since the invention of the remote control have muted or channel-flipped away from them. But the networks are claiming that if you don’t watch commercials, you’re breaking the law. 

They’re also arguing that Dish is breaking the law simply by selling a product that allows people to record TV and play it back without commercials.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Leslie Fish
Entered on:

Have you ever heard the term "Massive-Passive"?  It's a wonderfully effective tactic against idiotic and unconstitutional laws -- which, unfortunately, few people know about.  It consists of the vast majority of the people ignoring the law, massively passively resisting, to the point where the govt. doesn't have enough enforcers to begin forcing compliance.  This has worked before;  when CB radios first became popular, the FCC tried to insist that anybody who bought one must register as a radio station -- applications had to be included in every package -- but 99% of the buyers simply threw the forms away and ignored the FCC.  In a few years, seeing the uselessness of their fool law, the FCC gave up even trying.  CBs are still in use,  like HAM radios, despite being largely upstaged by cell-phones -- and the govt. has long since given up even trying to keep track of them.

This is how Massive Passive Resistance works.  Think of where else it can be applied.





Comment by Stupid Amerkin
Entered on:

Against the law not to watch commercials? Are we living in the Twilight Zone? This has got to be some wacked out joke or something. What insane sick idiots thought this one up? Just the fact that this would even be an issue is insane in itself and any den of corruption, court, that would even consider this an argument is even sicker. I need to go back to bed and wake up again. This just isn't real.