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IPFS News Link • Activism

Watchdog blasts ‘excessive’ policing at G20 Toronto summit

Canadian police used “excessive force,” ignored civil rights and made “unlawful” mass arrests in cracking down on unruly protests at a G20 summit in Toronto two years ago, a watchdog said Wednesday.

Gerry McNeilly, head of the Office of the Independent Police Review Director, in a scathing 300-page report blamed poor planning for widespread breaches of civil liberties at the back-to-back June 25-27, 2010 summits of the Group of Eight and G20 nations in the Toronto region.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Cops that will not go along are drugged at the Academy,otherwise! we have many,many sick people that want to be Cops,and do.What is it they look for in a applicant?How do they recruit such evil,brain dead people that will Kill Americans simply because they are told to.That includes Children,Women,Veterans,Mothers,Fathers,you name it,American cops will Kill It if told to,and then they go home an hug their children,and tell them that they love them while destroying their very future.Just look at the Cops in the pic above....very sick people indeed.Maybe they will start killing each other,if told to....lets hope.
