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Are cops drugging Occupy Wall Street protesters in Minnesota?


After footage surfaced of Occupy Wall Street protesters in Minnesota making claims that they’ve been drugged by police officers, authorities in the state have opened up a criminal investigation.

At least one Minnesota state trooper has been placed on paid leave since law enforcement officers began investigating allegations that cops arrived at Occupy Wall Street encampments and drugged protesters.

Independent filmmakers and journalists in the state say that they have encountered members of local Occupy offshoots who say they have been offered drugs by law enforcement officers. Protesters who opt in to the program are stoned for free while, in turn, cops monitor the effects of the intoxicants.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Laura Borst
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Do an Internet search for "MK-Ultra". This was a government program during the Cold War in which psychiatrists experimented with drugging people(LSD was one of the drugs used) and doing other things to them, such as electroshock, for the purposes of mind control. MK-Ultra was part of CIA research into mind control techniques. 

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