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Two Explosive Devices Found in Glendale


CONTACT: Sgt. Brent Coombs or Officer Tracey Breeden

Two Explosive Devices Found in Glendale Public Awareness Important

GLENDALE, Ariz. – In the past 24 hrs the Glendale Police Department has responded to two separate detonated improvised explosive devices in Glendale. Both explosive devices were housed in a standard 6 volt yellow handheld flashlight (see photograph attached). In the two separate incidents, a yellow flashlight was located by a citizen, which had been left outside in the open. When the citizen attempted to push the button to turn the flashlight on, the device detonated. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured in either event, but Explosive Ordinance Experts say that these devices were built to inflict serious injury.

As a standard, these two investigations are being worked by experts from various local agencies as well as federal entities, with the Glendale Police Department designated as the lead investigating agency. Explosives experts are asking that if anyone finds a flashlight left out, no matter what color or shape, which they don’t immediately recognized as their own, to call 911 immediately; DO NOT attempt to touch or manipulate the flashlight in any way. 

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

BA could be right in his comment that some crazy terrorists are testing a killing device pilot project. As to the other comment, I couldn’t understand what this hombre PureTrust is talking about – "arms" of terrorists that explode and kill "protected by the 2nd Amendment"? Is this coming from a comatose mind or from a mental freak born to radiation-mutant parents deformed by a nuclear blast in the desert of Nevada?

By the way, thanks BA for warning the public of terrorist attacks.

Sweep the garbage into the trashcan.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

You alarmists are so pathetic. Oh, wow! Two explosive devices found in Glendale. Ask yourselves, what is a gun? Isn't it a controlled explosive device? Glendale is full of them, and they are "arms" protected by the 2nd Amendment.

So we see what you alarmists really are. You are a bunch of commies attempting to destroy American freedom to keep arms.

Well, it's about time it backfired on you. Let the freedom-loving, arms experts, declare as expert witnesses that, if you make an affidavit stating that your personal, non-gun, explosive device is merely an "arm" protected by the 2nd Amendment, that it is so.

If we need to run up what it costs Government to take away our freedoms, by making them spend a bunch of money holding their ridiculous courts, then let's do it.

It was probably a set-up, anyway. Most of us know that flashlight batteries can explode after being left out in the heat too long.

Comment by Bertha Anonimo
Entered on:

I suspect terrorists are making a dry run to test how gullible people could get. The flashlight exploded but nobody was hurt, some kind of a macabre handiwork of mentally ill terrorists. Our concerned should be the real one -- some sort of exploding devices planted under a parked police car or near police headquarters that can be detonated by remote control. These are successfully demonstrated in current violent gangster movies.

Let's not forget what I have warned the public about when psychopaths like Larken Rose called on all disgruntled Americans to "kill government agents, and shoot cops" dead! This is terrorism. Some kind of a Mafia order to kill and destroy, had been issued, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is being carried out.

So just be extra careful. Let’s help law enforcement officers in this risky and dangerous campaign to round them up one by one, for our safety, and for the sake of our national security.
