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FBI Raids “Domestic Terrorist” Camp in Florida

•, Kurt Nimmo
 A raid conducted by federal authorities and local law enforcement in Florida is being used to portray anti-government sentiment as dangerous and potentially violent.

The FBI raided what it describes as a paramilitary camp in Osceola County over the weekend. Investigators told the media ten people were arrested on hate crime charges. The suspects are said to be members of the American Front, a white supremacist group. According to WFTV in Orlando, the group “is known as a domestic terrorist organization.”

“WFTV learned that investigators believe the group was involved in paramilitary training that included weapons like AK-47′s and they also trained in hand-to-hand combat for a coming race war,” the news station reports.

The group figures prominently in A Homeland Security Model for Assessing US Domestic Threats and is described by the ADL as a “racist skinhead group that is active in several states around the country.”

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by brag
Entered on:

I'm sure more FBI raids will hurt Powell Gammill's feelings, and I can hear him screech and squeal ... eeeeekkkk ... stop it! But I am with you, Suka.  More FBI raids ... damn it!

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

 I support this on-going drive against terrorism. More FBI raids are needed. I just paid my income tax. What was that for? More raids ...

Comment by brag
Entered on:

 Good work DHS! Round them up to the last man. Destroy their cells, and keep every American in this country safe and sound!

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