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Liquidmetal Inventor: Apple Will Use It In A 'Breakthrough Product'

•, Steve Kovach
 We've been hearing a lot about Liquidmetal lately, mostly because of rumors that Apple could be using the alloy in its next iPhone.

But what exactly is Liquidmetal? What makes it so special that Apple decided to license the rights to use it in its products?

Better yet, why hasn't Apple used it in gadgets yet, even though it's had the rights to the alloy since 2010?

We decided to get those answers straight from the source. Atakan Peker is one of the inventors of the Liquidmetal alloy and we had a chance to to talk to him about its future in mobile gadgets.

If you don't have time to read the full interview, here's what you need to know:
Liquidmetal looks great, yet is incredibly strong and durable. Apple has exclusive rights to use Liquidmetal in gadgets. It could be a few more years before Apple can make a Liquidmetal MacBook. Apple will likely wait to use Liquidmetal in a "breakthrough product."

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