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IPFS News Link • TAXES: Federal

What Do You Owe In Taxes? Depends Who's Counting

•, by Bill Chappell

In 2012, the federal tax return deadline is Tuesday, April 17 — so if you haven't already filed your income tax return, you have about one week left to shop around for different options to finish your taxes, or request an extension.

If you're wondering if you're better off filing your federal and state income tax returns through an online tax preparation service, a standard CPA (certified public accountant), or a more elaborate tax specialty firm, you may want to read an article over at Bloomberg Businessweek, called "Joel Stein Has Four Accountants."

As he tells Morning Edition co-host Steve Inskeep, Stein plugged his financial results from 2011 into tax services that ranged from to his father's Staten Island accountant.

One paragraph of Stein's article explains his motives: