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IPFS News Link • Activism

Occupy Wall Street Continues to Take Aim at NYPD Tactics, Brutality

 Occupy protesters marched from Liberty Square in lower Manhattan to Union Square in midtown on Saturday to call for the resignation of NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and speak out about police brutality in the city. Of the many hundreds that marched, a handful were arrested by the riot control officers who shadowed the march along its route.
There has been a growing focus by the original Occupy Wall Street group in New York City on confronting the treatment they've received by police. Some in the movement, however, worry that a prolonged conflict with the mayor's office and the police commissioner will distract the movement from its larger goal of addressing wealth inequality, corporate personhood, and the dominance of Wall Street financiers over the economy and government.

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Comment by brag
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NYPD should continue to arrest and detain more of them indefinitely until the pedestrains and motorists reclaim the streets of New York from those occupying political debris.
