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IPFS News Link • Iran

'Mossad, CIA agree Iran has yet to decide to build nuclear weapon'

•, By Haaretz
 Israel’s intelligence services agree with American intelligence assessments that there is not enough proof to determine whether Iran is building a nuclear bomb, according to a report published Sunday in the New York Times.
The newspaper said that senior American officials believe there is little disagreement between the Mossad and U.S. intelligence agencies over Iran’s nuclear program, despite the fact that Israeli political leaders have been pushing for quick action to block Iran from becoming what they describe as an existential threat.

The report further quoted one former senior American intelligence official who states that the Mossad “does not disagree with the U.S. on the weapons program,” adding that there is “not a lot of dispute between the U.S. and Israeli intelligence communities on the facts.”

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by James17
Entered on:

This balancing act between lies about Iran and truth are getting difficult to discern. Doesn't that sound like where those in government want the public to be in believing Israel is not on the side of believing Iran is not producing a nuclear weapon? Watch for something to happen to change the mind of the world with pointing fingers at Iran as being the ones behind some terrible action of carnage. Where that will happen is anyone's guess.

Comment by Ken Regan
Entered on:

Haven't decided to build one yet?.......or just making sure that they will have everything ready so when they do decide, there will be no stopping them?  Yeah, I haven't decided to eat dinner yet either but just in case I do, I'll get it all cooked and on the table with all the fixings, set the table, light the candles and open a bottle of wine......just in case!