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IPFS News Link • Israel

Will Israel Assassinate Obama? David Duke VIDEOs



5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

 Ernie, you forgot Ron Paul.

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

Obama, Duke, Romney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Im in a shed, Net Tan Yahoo etc etc - I'm suppose endorse anything any of these people say over another?  

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

I hope that there is just but one 45-degree angle to view this shocking revelation that Israel is actually the enemy of the United States, not Iran!

But I am afraid there are multiple angles to look at, to find out really what is the purpose of this what I view from an oblique angle an "enemy" video.

Any distributed video that reveals a supposedly "secret" information that Israel is preparing to assassinate the President of the United States is an "enemy" video.

Why, because I ask you this: Who would benefit from an alleged Israeli plot to murder Obama and destroy the century-old mutually reinforcing U.S.-Israel bilateral relationship but the enemy/ies of the United States? Do you need a brain of a rocket scientist to figure that out?

Strange but true …The source of this expose’ is a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a White Supremacist who is a notorious racial terrorist himself – David Duke!

Of course like Ahmadinejad who wants to wipe Israel off the map, Duke wants to wipe Blacks and other colored people off the American race. He only wants a White America. Needless to say that both are enemies of the United States!

Again, who do you think would benefit from the publication of this assassination plot? You do not need Einstein to figure this out.

The angle at the bottom of all these is that, either way, in this battle of the mind, the Terrorists win!

Here is why: If Obama is assassinated, either by Israeli operatives or Iranian agents, or by any "loony" that takes advantage of this widely circulated Video, the Terrorists win.

If the Video is just a propaganda blitz and Obama is not assassinated after all because the revelation is false, terrorist Duke shall have succeeded in his objective to terrorize the American people, and had succeeded as well in his covert attempt to drive a wedge between the existing U.S.-Israel Alliance that for so long the enemy wanted to destroy but had not so far succeeded.

Thus either way, the Terrorists win!

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

This seems above the top but it is David Duke after all.  But, if it is in their interest I am certain Israel reserves the Right to assassinate Obama or any American for that matter without seeking any judicial authority.  The whims and wishes of the Prime Minister should be enough to justify such an action.  Perhaps someone can clarify this point with their Ambassador.

Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:

Since when is David Duke considered a reliable source of information?
