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IPFS News Link • Military

N. Korea to halt nuke enrichment, missile tests – US

• RT

North Korea says it is ready to halt missiles tests, disable its nuclear reactors and allow IAEA observers into the country in exchange for a food aid package from the US.

US state department spokesman Victoria Nuland confirmed on Wednesday that North Korea had agreed to meet demands to disable its nuclear reactors at Yongbyon.

The US said the decision to resume food aid is linked to progress in talks on suspension of North Korea’s nuclear program.

This contradicts the official policy of the US, which states that food aid is not linked to Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions.

The US says it will send a 240,000-metric-ton food aid package to North Korea if Pyongyang stops its nuclear tests. The US made the offer last week during talks in Beijing. Once specialists from the International Atomic Energy Agency have inspected uranium enrichment facilities, the deal can be finalized, the US says.

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