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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Arab League calls for joint mission with U.N. in Syria

• Washington Post
The Arab League on Sunday called for the creation of a joint Arab-United Nations peacekeeping mission to halt the escalating violence in Syria, as Syrian government forces sustained their assault against protest strongholds in the city of Homs and elsewhere.

Syria immediately rejected the resolution adopted by a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo, and with Russia still firmly opposed to U.N. action against Syria, it seemed unlikely such a mission would be formed anytime soon.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Tucci78
Entered on:

Ah, yes.  The Blue Beanies and the Sand Nazis walking hand-in-hand through yet another failed polity of the Ummah. 

As part of the process, I propose that U.N. headquarters be moved to the Syrian seaport city of Aleppo, site of the oldest continuously operating brothels in world history.

Seems even more appropriate than Sodom-on-the-Hudson, right?