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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

"I Am An Individual" (Publisher Recommended)

• YouTube via Daily Paul
Special Message to the GOP: You cannot win without us and we will not vote for your hand picked candidate, especially after the way you've marginalized, insulted and disrespected us and Dr. Paul.

Uploaded by on Jan 29, 2012

Can we get 1 million signatures, or maybe more, on this video petition? If you agree with the message to the GOP written below, like and comment this video to send a statement. Share this video with as many people as possible. I do not have a revenue sharing deal with YouTube, so please don't think for a second that I'm trying to make money from this by asking you to like, comment and share this video. This is about getting as much free publicity for Dr. Paul as possible by getting this video seen by as many people as we possibly can.

Special Message to the GOP: You cannot win without us and we will not vote for your hand picked candidate, especially after the way you've marginalized, insulted and disrespected us and Dr. Paul. Contrary to your attempt to convince people that we are a small "fringe" group, there are actually millions of us who are fed up with the lies, the manipulation and the blatant disregard for the constitution and our rights as individuals. We don't owe you or any other political party anything. So make your choice GOP leaders, it's Ron Paul or another four years of Obama. You KNOW you can't win without us, so, if you choose the latter, you've got no one but yourselves to blame.

Music by Dan-O at

Please do not re-upload this video.

Thank you to all of you who helped make this video possible.

Visit the following sites to learn more about Ron Paul:

I am an individual.
I am not a color.
I am not a race.
I am not a religion.
I am an individual.
I am not a gender.
I am not an age.
I am not a sexuality.
I am an individual.
I am not a nationality.
I am not a region.
I am not a political party.
I am an individual.
There is one candidate.
Who doesn't see me.
As a group.
As a demographic.
Or as a voting bloc.
There is one candidate.
Who sees me.
As an individual.
And believes.
That I have the right.
To live my life.
However I want to live it.
Just as long.
As I never interfere
With anyone else's right.
To do the same.
There is one candidate.
Who believes that no government.
Has the authority.
To grant any individual.
Any rights.
They only have the authority.
(If we let them.)
To take away rights.
That we were already born with.
That one candidate.
Is Ron Paul.
And the fact that he believes in me.
Being able to make my own decisions.
About my life.
Well, that makes me believe in him.
I am not a drug addict.
I am not crazy.
I am not uneducated.
I am not uninformed.
And I do not blindly.
Or carelessly.
Support any candidate.
I know exactly why I support Ron Paul.
And I'd be willing to bet.
If you took the time to find out more.
About what Ron Paul really stands for.
You might support him too.
I am an individual.
And in the next election.
This individual.
Will stand for no one.
Other than Ron Paul.
Because Ron Paul.
Is the only candidate.
Who's ever stood up for me.

Written and edited by David Terry

My Blog:


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by brag
Entered on:

 Thanks, guys. Now I know Ron Paul has not dropped out yet.