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IPFS News Link • Camera Fraud


It looks like we're soon to have the Liberty vs. Security debate once again in Kansas City now that new surveillance tech seems to be back on the table. Add this new effort to Red Light Cameras and local Liberty activists really do seem to have a point about increasing surveillance in this cowtown. To wit . . . KANSAS CITY LIBERTY ACTIVIST TRACY WARD HAS RECENTLY NOTED HER OBJECTIONS TO IMPLEMENTING NEW SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY IN KANSAS CITY!!! Since winning a surprising amount of support with a grassroots campaign for City Council . . . Tracy has worked against the E-Tax AND now she's busy organizing Ron Paul supporters locally. Here's what she has to say about local spy tech that could be back on the table given the new budget AND more applications for grant money: "The reason they didn't push for the technology before is because of cost and privacy issues. This program would cost $300,000 per square mile. I understand they were wanting to use it in the "Green Impact Zone" and they're trying to get federal grants to pay for the project, but it would be on the taxpayers to maintain it, in turn costing the taxpayers millions of dollars in the future." Tracy referenced this article . . . ShotSpotter recording of street argument raises potential privacy issues As far as alternatives go . . . TRACY WARD ADVOCATES FOR MORE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND NEIGHBORHOOD POLICING AS A VIABLE AND MORE COST EFFECTIVE CRIME FIGHTING STRATEGY!!! Seriously, she has A LOT of really great ideas on the topic . . . "This is more of a "reactive" solution since the officers wouldn't be dispatched to the area until after the shots were fired, instead of a proactive approach. We know that officers patrolling the streets work as a deterrent to crime. We know that the CAN (Community Action Network) centers work, as a result of the positive outcomes in that area. Even neighborhood watch groups are a positive step in the direction of deterring crime. These all seem to be workable solutions to a problem, so why isn't the city working towards more of these solutions rather than implementing police state technologies? "If 75-90% of residents in a one block area decide to meet with each other, communicate, and keep an eye out for each other and outsiders (and that doesn't mean violating one's rights, just being neighborly) there would be a reduction in crime. Each micro community could have a point person or even have a collective email group, phone bank, etc so that they can keep in contact with one another and alert others in that group of activities they deem inappropriate, they can help deter crime. "I think we've moved away from being neighborly and toward being hermits. Neighborly doesn't mean spying on each other, it just means keeping a watchful eye out, getting to know those on your block, saying hi, being friendly and respectful. Let others know of people you deem as a threat so they can keep an eye out for them, etc. I sincerely think those steps will lead to a reduction in crime. Mutual aid societies worked once in this great land of ours, until the government decided it could do a better job. However, I think we're seeing just how great the government's role has played out and it's time to go back to believing in each other, one another, and not just the state." Haters might dominate the comments but rest assured that while online trolls persist . . . Tracy Ward is out in the real world and working with a growing network of contacts as a self-described "Liberty Activist" in Kansas City and beyond. DEVELOPING . . .