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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Video surfaces of Ron Paul talking about racist newsletters in 1995

• New York Daily News
A recently surfaced video from 1995 shows the GOP presidential hopeful discussing controversial newsletters that he claimed this week he didn't even read until about 2001.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by shoe
Entered on:

This is not a journalist.  This is a hit woman for the establishment elite trying to make something out of nothing.

I can some her up in one word..JERK!

Comment by Matt Sch
Entered on:

he discusses the newsletters as a whole, and describes their topics. Not impressed. Seems people are just trying to find things to nitpick.

Comment by Alexander Victorio
Entered on:

 WTF! This shit keeps getting ridiculous. Where in the video does he mention reading those statments made by a ghostwritter in one of his newsletters 20 years ago. I'm sick and tired of racisim being used as a political weapon and I know the public is too. Ron Paul is not a racist! If someone is a racist who gives a shit, but RON PAUL IS NOT A RACIST!

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

What a nasty hit piece headline by the NY Daily News (blogger).  First he mentioned he had a newsletter.  Racism never comes up.  Secondly four years ago while it was reported what (third hand) was claimed was in some of his newsletters the source has never been posted nor available.  Even the twit that started this who claimed to have the goods in fact lied and did not.  He posted a few newsletters he was able to obtain---none with anything inflamitory.  So a liar with an agenda makes hay out of apparently nothing with a story that continues to surface four years later.  Note to news media:  If you are going to continue to accuse Paul of publishing a "racist" newsletter shouldn't you have to produce the goods?  Or is the mere accusation good enough for Washington?

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