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IPFS News Link • Ron Paul Says...

Ron Paul Newsletters, Fact From Fiction


Is Ron Paul a racist? Everything points to no, except for one outlying issue in the form of newsletters sent out in the 80's under his name.

Can one thing written in print undo everything he's talked about and believed for 35 years?

I don't think so, because what was written in the newsletters is so far from Ron Paul's words and actions. Here's why I don't think Ron Paul wrote the newsletters:

1. It’s unusual for a newsletter to be written by the figurehead. My clients put out newsletters, they don’t write them. When getting advice about starting one, my most successful client told me specifically not to do the content myself. Likewise, Paul says he didn't write them or see them.

2. Paul’s known for his consistency. But one of the few issues he’s changed his mind on is the death penalty… because of it’s disproportionate use on minorities and those living in the inner city.


3. When challenging the war on drugs, Paul often points out the injustice of blacks and minorities being imprisoned at a higher rate than whites for the same crime. Video: See video above.

4. When challenging foreign wars, Paul often points out that war disproportionately affects minority families.

5. In 2008 Paul pointed to these positions as a possible reason why he received more support from blacks than any other GOP candidate, which polls showed to be true.

6. Paul often cites Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr and Gandhi as his heroes.

7. When asked in 2007 who he might pick as a running mate, he named one guy, Walter Williams, a black man as a strong possibility. Walter also refers to Paul as a friend and said of Paul he’s one of 3 people the founders would even talk to. Video: 4 minute mark

8. Nelson Lender, the director of the NAACP in Austin, Texas said last campaign that he’s known Ron Paul personally for 20 years and is sure he’s not a racist. Scott Horton interview with Nelson Lender:

[Ron Paul as young doctor ... check out the body language!]

9. Ron Paul got into politics and his libertarian views come from studying… the work of two Jews, Mises and Rothbard.

10. I’ve personally followed essentially everything Ron Paul has done or said since 2007, every single day, and nothing he’s ever said has ever come close to what was written in the newsletters.

11. In fact, the opposite is true. A lot of people like Ron Paul because of what he says about racism: that it’s an ugly form of collectivism, that we don’t get our rights as groups but as individuals and everyone should be treated the same way.

12. No one has ever produced a clip of Ron Paul speaking anything close to the condemnable words in the newsletter, even though he's been speaking publicly for more than 30 years.

13. His constituents have known about these allegations for 15+ years and still vote Paul in by a landslide year after year, because as Paul says, those who know him know it's not his language and he doesn't believe those things.

14. When asked if Paul repudiates the ugly comments from the newsletter, Paul not only repudiated them but said his entire life repudiates those comments, because his words and actions are 180 degrees apart from racism. Video:

11 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

One hundred percent freedom in the military. Follow orders or it's in the brig for you. Your choice, because there is only freedom here.

Once in the brig, follow orders, or it is court martial and prison for you. Your choice, because there is only freedom here.

Once in prison, follow orders or it is solitary confinement for you. Your choice, because there is only freedom here.

Once in solitary confinement, eat your food or you will starve to death. Your choice, because there is only freedom here.

Ah, dead, freedom at last. There is only freedom here, because all freedom is created equal.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

If some people want the freedom to drink raw milk, and the other people are afraid of catching all kinds of diseases from the raw milk drinkers, let the other people get vaccinated so that they are free from all those diseases, whether they come from the people drinking the raw milk, or from some other source.

But, but, but, we have a moral duty to protect those raw milk drinkers from their own stupidity. And we are trying to figure out ways to protect all the potentially suicidal people from themselves, as well.

We have the answer, an answer that will keep everyone from killing - or even injuring - themselves or anyone else in any harmful way. Put 100% of the people into straight jackets. That way they will all be 100% free, and 100% free from harming themselves or anyone else.

Oh yeah, all freedom is equal.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

For almost two decades as a Congressman, Ron Paul had proposed so many bills. Not a single one of them passed the approval of members of Congress who raised their eyebrows every time he opens his mouth to speak out his WEIRD ideas. He proves himself to be without question, a "loony". He doesn’t belong there. He doesn’t deserve to feed himself out of the taxes we pay every year when he is useless.

I suggest Ron Paul should create his own "Congress". That’s the only way he can pass his own bills from another planet, unanimously.

Comment by brag
Entered on:

"But isn't it about time that the adult children of the USA be reborn into greater freedom, make their own security, and stop sucking of the security of mother USA..." There is no such thing as "greater freedom". Freedom is indivisible… immutable … unconditional [you cannot make a condition to freedom – you either have it or you don’t]. Only the twisted mind of lunatics believed they can do that and call it "freedom"..

There is no freedom greater than the other, or smaller than the other – absolutely no such thing. Again, that only exist in the mind of the "loco" or those afflicted by a loco disease identified by the National Institute of Health simply as "mental illness".

Terrorists have no freedom to kill, have no liberty to destroy or bomb our cities. NDAA and other national security laws see to it that they don have it.

To drink unpasteurized raw milk is NOT – repeat, is NOT – freedom to spread the epidemic of Salmonella, E. Coli and Listeria and kill people. Only Ron Paul and followers from the bayou like you believe that to drink unpasteurized, bacteria-laden raw milk that spread an epidemic shouldn't be prohibited because to drink milk is "freedom" [good grief!]! What a jerk!

And now to be born is "freedom"? That’s as stupid as Timothy McVeigh's and the Unabomber's freedom to kill. To kill and destroy is "freedom" you loonies think terrorists should have. That’s why the New Hampshire newspaper described Ron Paul and his supporters like you as dangerous characters from the "lunatic fringe".

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

If Ron Paul's bills that he introduced over the years had become law, the people of the USA would be a lot better off than they are now. This shows you who it is that is destroying the people of the country. It is the vast majority of the entire Congress, the entire Congress of the last 100 years.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Oh, panocha, you're so funny. Keep up the good humor.

On a more realistic side, the longer a healthy child remains in Mommy's tummy, the longer it DOES want freedom. At the same time, it wants security, just like all of us.

If a baby were not allowed its freedom through birth, it wouldn't take long - another 3 months, perhaps - that it would have grown to a size that will actually kill some mothers. And if the mother dies, the unborn child will die as well.

The 9-month time happens to be the ideal time for the child to gain a whole bunch of freedom, at the same time he/she starts to learn about creating his/her own security... rather than relying entirely on that of the mother.

This world can be a hard world to live in (the reality of it is that it is so hard to live in that everyone dies sooner or later). But isn't it about time that the adult children of the USA be reborn into greater freedom, make their own security, and stop sucking of the security of mother USA... mother USA that makes security for them by stealing it from the true adults in America who have been born into true adulthood long ago?

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

"When Ron Paul delivers babies, he doesn't use his hands, he quotes the Bill of Rights and the babies crawl out in anticipation of freedom..."

And you still dispute this fact that only a "loony" does that?

Comment by Kanumptsen
Entered on:

For over two decades, political parasites like Ron Paul fed themselves out of taxes we paid. My neighbor lost his job recently. He told us his dog had just died of malnutrition. According to him the taxes Cong. Ron Paul had fed himself on all those years for doing nothing in Congress, could have saved his dog.

Comment by Eon Cole
Entered on:

 Ron Paul, in over 20 years drawing a paycheck from the American Taxpayers, has only on one occasion sponsored or co-sponsored a bill which passed in Congress.
He is unable to win the support of Republican or Democrat Controlled Congresses to any of his ideas.
That one Ron Paul bill that passed?
It converted a piece of Private land into Government Property.                            Might I just add that he introduced close to 700 bills but was only able to get his colleagues to support one of them, that mentioned by Pete above. What should this tell you about his ability to get along with others? What should this tell you about his ability to lead a nation of 310 million people? Might I just add that he introduced close to 700 bills but was only able to get his colleagues to support one of them, that mentioned by Pete above. What should this tell you about his ability to get along with others? What should this tell you about his ability to lead a nation of 310 million people? His voting record is terrible he's all for the status quo and entrenching power in big business and the already priveleged.


Comment by Ken Valentine
Entered on:

 Thanks for that Alex . . . I love it!

Comment by Alexander Victorio
Entered on:

 When Ron Paul delivers babies, he doesn't use his hands, he quotes the Bill of Rights and the babies crawl out in anticipation of freedom.