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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

WATCH: Mitt Romney Was Almost Normal On Letterman's Top 10 Last Night

Mitt Romney, who in recent weeks has done a one-eighty and decided to embrace the media, did David Letterman's Top 10 list last night.

The Top 10 is almost always awkward no matter who does it, and yet (or perhaps because of this) Mitt Romney managed to almost seem human.   Highlight: "Isn’t it time for a president who looks like a 1970s game show host?”

List below, vid below that.

“Top Ten Things Mitt Romney Would Like To Say To The American People.”

No. 10: “Isn’t it time for a president who looks like a 1970s game show host?”

No 9: “What’s up, gangstas - it’s the M-I-Double-Tizzle.”

No. 8: “ Have no proof, but I have a feeling Canada is planning something.”

No. 7: “Actually, I’m only here to meet Tom Cruise.”

No. 6: “Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!!!

No. 5: “My new cologne is now available at Macy’s. It’s ‘Mitt-stified.’”

No. 4: “I just used all my campaign money to buy a zoo with Matt Damon.”

No. 3: “I can do a lot, but even I can’t fix the Indianapolis Colts.”

No. 2: “Newt Gingrich? Really?”

No. 1: “It’s a hairpiece.”