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IPFS News Link • Off Grid Living - Survival Prepping

Drilling Our Fresh Water Well


Our well is in the ground and we have fresh water at our future homesite!

We hired Willis Drilling and Pump to drill a fresh water well for our sustainable homestead, and they completed the job last week. It took the drilling crew 2 days to finish the hole for our well, and a third visit to set the casing with concrete. After seven hours of constant drilling, the team hit water at 200 feet. The final depth of our well is 280 feet, which gives us plenty of leeway to accommodate a drop in water table levels. The water in this area also exhibits an artesian quality and it is likely that the static water level of our well is actually only 100 feet down, but we'll know more when we drop our pump in a few months. Our water comes from the Coconino Aquifer and though it has a high concentration of minerals, it is some of the best tasting water that I've encountered.
